To operate and maintain the Forkliftin a safe and cost effective manner. Ensure comprehensive Customer service inthe Store. Merchandising of stock, shelf price labelling and housekeepingwithin designated area of responsibility.
- Grade 12 or minimum of 1 (one) yearwork related experience
- Ability to communicate in English andthe dominant language spoken in the geographical area where the position isavailable
- Ability to perform basic calculationsaccurately
- Must be willing to work shifts,weekends and Public Holidays
- Must be able to work under pressure
- Must be physically fit to operate aforklift
- Must have a valid forklift license
Customer Service
- Acknowledge all Customers anddetermine their needs
- Advise Customers correctly on product
- Assist Customer with any productqueries
- Assist with Customer complaintstimely
- Add on sales, e.g. paint v/s paintbrushes, thinners, etc.
- Ensure efficient Customer service byensuring that Customers purchases are loaded without any delays
- Ensure Customers purchase are loadedcarefully without damaging the goods or the Customers vehicle
- Advise Customers on the additionalservices provided:
- Delivery service / bulk deposits
- Glass cutting
- Plan reading
- Credit programmes
- Special orders
- Trusses
- Distant ordering
- VIC Customer Programme
- Must be certified in ProductKnowledge
- Must be available in aisle ofresponsibility
- Bulk stock area to be merchandisedsafely and according to Store layout plan
- Must ensure your area ofresponsibility is fully merchandised according to Store layout and planograms.
- Merchandise stock according toapproved layouts and planograms
- Ensure that your area is free ofobstacles, stock is merchandised immediately after being received and thatCustomers can enter and leave your aisle without any risk of injury orirritation.
- Correct shelf price labelling withinarea of responsibility.
- Ensure Checklist completed asrequired when on duty with Canteen and Toilet / Showers schedule
Ready for Business
- Adhere to Ready for Business andBeyond my Control as per the CB Way
Loss Prevention andSecurity
- Identify any gaps in the displays,investigate causes and report any concerns to management
- Be aware of suspicious behaviours orpeople and report any suspicions to management
- No product to be loaded for a Customerwithout proof of purchase or required documentation
Safety (OHSA)Requirements
- Ensure not to overload the Forklift
- Ensure not to overload racking andshelving (Do not stack roof tiles / bricks and cement more than two palletshigh.)
- Ensure to wear the Safety Helmet andKidney Belt at all times when operating the Forklift
- Do not use forklift to liftpersonnel.
- Ensure that the Entrance and Exit arefree of obstacles and that Customers can enter and leave Cashbuilds Storeswithout risk of injury
- Ensure to report any faults on theForklift immediately
- Ensure to report in time when theForklift is due for a service
- Ensure to wear protective clothingwhen necessary
- Do not operate the Forklift if thereare any mechanical faults
- Ensure that the Forklift is inspecteddaily, checklist completed and any faults report.